Sunday, March 27, 2016

Mommy 101: What's Inside My (Diaper) Bag?

Happy Easter everyone! Finally had some time to write again on my blog after months of adjusting into motherhood. A few years ago, I remembered blogging what's inside my bag...when I was still a "happy-go-lucky-on-her-early-twenties" stage in my life. Now, I am going for the "young-and-cool-late-twenties-but-still-on-twenties" mommy vibe. Now that I am a mom a young and cool mom of a 9-month old baby, bringing my own bag is quite unnecessary as I always carry our baby when we are out. If my husband carries our baby, I am in charge of carrying the diaper bag. Did you know that diaper bags are soooo IN right now?! Kidding! Anyway for any mommy readers out there, here are some of my diaper bag essentials. Hope it helps. :)

1. Diaper Bag - There are A LOT of diaper bags out in the market today for different types of mommies and daddies. Since I don't bring my own bag anymore, I am the type of mommy who wants to have a classy looking diaper bag (aka. maarte mom). And because my husband carries it also, he asked if it can be in a gender neutral color, hence we chose black. We found what we wanted at Mothercare and the brand is SkipHop.

2. Essentials

2.a. Extra clothes and diapers - I usually bring 2 sets of clothes (top and bottom), at least 4 diapers and an extra lampin/bib. I put them in a ziplock bag so that I can pull it out easily and remain clean
2.b. Extra Ziplock bags - for soiled diapers and dirty clothes.
2.c. Fan - I always bring one, especially now that summer season is here.
2.d. Changing Mat - already included when we purchased the diaper bag.
2.e. Wet and Dry Tissue - for easy cleaning of hands, toys and surfaces.
2.f. Alcohol
2.g. Cradles Toy and Surface Cleaner - this is an essential when we eat out in restaurants as we use this to clean high chairs and table surfaces.
2.h. Small Container and Cotton - the empty container comes in handy if we need more water to clean poop and whatnots.
2.i. Anti Mosquito Spray - I am not a fan of Citronella smell that's why I bought the one from Chicco which is not citronella based. We spray it on our baby's clothes before we go out.
2.k.2 to 3 Feeding Bottles and Formula Container
2.k. Changing Diaper Kit. - see below for more details

*Diaper Changing Kit - I put all the necessities inside a small toiletries bag so it's easier to pull out of the bag.

k.1.Diaper Cream - we use Mustela Barrier Cream ever since our baby was born. Effective on our baby.
k.2.Water and Diluted Baby Wash in Spray Bottles - Got this idea from a mommy forum. It really is easier to change diaper using spray bottles and cotton.
k.3.Wet Wipes - we don't use wipes on our baby's bum. We use this instead to clean hands after the diaper change.
k.4.Calmoseptine - Very effective cream. I put it a small round container to avoid spills as its only available in sachets here in Manila.
k.5.Baby Cotton Buds
k.6.Lotion - Our baby has eczema so we put Cetaphil Restoraderm Lotion on him. At first, we bring the big Cetaphil bottle everytime we go out. But it takes up a lot of space and weight so I bought a small squeeze bottle and filled it with the lotion.

3. Eating Essentials - Our baby is already 9 months old. Hence, he's allowed to eat solid foods already!
3.a. Marie Biscuits - handy snacks. this also keeps our baby preoccupied and behaved!
3.b. Small container and spoon - I found this in a supermarket. Nice thing about it is that it is a food masher too.
3.c. Teethers - something to keep our teething baby preoccupied.

So there you have it! What's inside your diaper bag, mommy? :)